When a million dollars is on the line you can't let anything fall through the cracks.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Workshop review.

I'm still trying to get the video footage together from the workshop but here are a few photos.

This is Jordan our intern playing Jenga...

Here I am in front of our 34 story tower shortly before I accidentally made it fall to the ground...

I had some nice young ladies come and play Chinese Checkers with me...

I came in second place..

This is what my leg hair looked like this morning just before I started to work...

Not too bad for a little less than a week of not shaving.

Tomorrow at work we have a sexual harassment training session... I think that fits in perfectly with training! It will keep me in line with all those young men on the show.... I don't want to disrespect any of them with my wild ways...

Also on the training agenda tomorrow is getting a new Survivor Style Haircut! Something low maintenance but not so short that people think I don't like the boys...

One last note, I received the bugs in the mail today so were good to go in trying out new ways of eating... I'm trying to think of other ways to hone my mad survival food skills. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

I'll be back tomorrow with video (I promise!).

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