When a million dollars is on the line you can't let anything fall through the cracks.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


This was my number at the casting call... maybe it will be my lucky number....

I think things are pretty much ready for tomorrow's activities. I am currently working on a video update for you all in preparation of tomorrow.

I went to the mall today to search for an attractive one piece swimsuit, a good fitting bra and a pair of shoes. I failed to find anything.

I think this whole survivor thing might be a bit overrated... but I will keep striving forward until I get over this dry spell.

I'm watching man vs. wild right now so maybe it will inspire me...


The photo above was taken yesterday (I think)

and this one below I just took.... If you look down toward the bottom you can see the hair coming off my leg.

I have to admit that it hasn't really bothered me too much just yet. I only have one more week to go and then I'll get it all waxed off to test my pain threshold. I think I'm looking forward to that the most.

Okay, I have to go to bed now so I can get up early to MAKE FIRE!

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