When a million dollars is on the line you can't let anything fall through the cracks.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

On the Horizon...

Just in case you think I'm not fulfilling my end of the "contestant in training" bargain I assure you I am! It's just really busy fitting everything in around a 40 hour work week, working out at the gym and watching television.

I do have events planned in the future - besides working on my social interaction by emailing men on a free singles website I am getting ready to run in a 5k race on the 15th. If anything that should prove to you that I'm serious about training.

Here are some hints to what's coming up this weekend at the workshop.

Sunday come help me with Endurance Day and experience some challenges tailor made for a 40-something year old. It will be fun and there will be snacks.

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