When a million dollars is on the line you can't let anything fall through the cracks.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Good Morning Survivors!

I am sorry that I haven't kept up with the posting the past few days... things are getting busy for this survivor wannabe.

I am finishing the preparations for the round-table discussion today. The pie is in the oven (I had my people make it)... I'm finishing up my list of questions to discuss and I am planning my outfit.

Tomorrow I have the St. Patty's Day Dash. That is going to be a run for the ages... I'm not really a runner but I think with all the training I've been doing I might might make it in under 40 minutes.

I realized that I didn't give you a status update on the testing of my pain threshold - yeah, that's right

This is what my leg looks like now... I have to admit that it wasn't as painful as I expected it to be... sure it hurt but not that bad... the results are beautiful! I have a limited amount of grow out (which will be nice when my doctor boyfriend on the island wants to massage my aching calves after a challenge)...

I think by far the hardest thing I've done is the top pot donut challenge...

I guess I should get up and finish the final preparations for this afternoon... see you at the gallery.

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